Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 5

So, Shereen is playing some slow music right now, and it is depressing me. I mean, right now, I feel drained and a bit tired

BUT I'm excited for tomorrow--- we get to play with kids, like what I did in Spring Break, but I get to bring Jesus in:) Perfect way to spend a day. 

So, today I wrote on my folder (after much struggle as an English major with terrible spelling): "Privilege to serve."

Now, today we came into work (a great place to work btw), and Isaac and Danielle (from Spring Break) talked about how we should act with the kids and what to do and not to do. I heard it before, but Issac said something that stuck--and I wrote it on my folder, so I do not forget. 

Now, the other day I wrote a little poem in my down time:

If I saw the broken mirror,
I'd just throw it away.
There is no use in cutting my fingers,
To save this world anyway.
These are the thoughts,
We so easily say.
But think of the Cross,
The blood already paid.
He picked up the pieces,
He took all the scars.
So we are the glue,
Stopping the pieces from falling off again. 

Now, I wrote the poem with a little influence from Jonathon calling this world "a mirror image of Heaven", but in our sin we have broken it, and now it takes God to put us, the pieces, back together again. 

I connect this to serving, because sometimes I am guilty of this, we do things because we know a reward waits for us. Or, we think we are the ones who can hold it Atlas. Honestly, if I am a broken piece of a mirror, and I am picked up---even I hurt the one person who cares enough to put me back in my place...with my fellow broken brothers and sisters... God, what a privilege!

I know that is an extreme of personification--- but what a beautiful way of thinking. I want to be whole again, to reflect the beauty of my Lord...but how can I do that if parts of me are still missing? We are, I believe, parts of God's heart. He misses us, and sometimes like a broken mirror, we cut Him even when He cares to pick us back up again...but He loves us...we are in His heart. Always and forever.

A little danger,
Blood drawn now--
But see the masterpiece,
I sell my son for.
This little imagery,
A world that doesn't know--
How far I will go,
To bring them all home.
So, let me take this Cross,
Let me bear their beatings.
If I be shunned and hated,
I'll never leave them.
These beautiful pieces,
Broken in their own way--
Come together,
And when I smile--
Oh, how the Heavens will praise me. 

Goodbye & Goodnight,


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10

P.S. Sorry I wrote that poem on the needs work...just like I do:P

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